

A few days prior to Christmas The Ladies Stardust held an Active Fashion show at Bondi downtown. It was just a bunch of cool peeps wearing cool clothes and trying to pose. Good times had by all. and It was a toy drive event. So a bunch of children in San Diego got toys for Christmas that otherwise wouldnt have. These are pictures of Richard, Bridget, And myself. Others were involved as well. if u go to the website posted on the pictures you can seem them all.

"So, here's to tonight! And spending it with you! Here's to this year I never thought I'd make it through"

2009 what an amazing year it has been.

we now live in the future. where are all the hover cars?


forgot to mention

Yesterday was Christmas.

Christmas eve I contracted some sort of food poisoning and was dying all night long. I woke feeling a bit better the morning of Christmas but other then an hour here and there, I slept and slept and slept.

2009 has been one of the best years of my life.
2010 is already shaping up really nicely. Im excited to get it going.
that means Best Year Ever

Big picture Post

I finally have pictures here on the computer. and the time to use the computer and the internet here at the local Starbucks.

lets start at the beginning.
A few months back we Pet sat for my old manager and friend Jen.
this is Steve!
we enjoyed his company very much so, despite the fact that he was teething and really enjoyed attacking our feet.
Then one day Vanessa and I rode our bikes around all day. during that day we stoped by Petco park. This is where the padres play and this is us peacin it.

And me doing some hand stand push up's. I believe that was rep 21 of 25. I did three sets...
Okay, Then a week before Halloween A bunch of us carved pumpkins at Richard and Prestins apartment. It went a little something like this!

ours was the 3rd from the left. They all came out super duper good but deflated to flat nothings in a matter of days. O! we also pretended I didn't have tattoos.
So then Friday, The day before Halloween we partied hard at the Ruby room for the monthly "footdown" party.
Vanessa and I went dressed at Werewolf's, and killed it. Literally.


The Ladies of Bikeclub
Then Richard and I switched. Note, having no front teeth works really well when in werewolf costume.
The next day I went and go this sweet babe tatted into my leg

Thanksgiving looked like this

Other days of food look like this...

And many days full of bicycles.

These bikes above will take us across the country, This day we rode them to La Jolla to check out the seals sleeping on the beach.

Okay well thats that for now.
vanessa and I travel back to NY Jan 4th and are very excited to see our friends and fam. we'll spend 5 days then fly on back to San Diego.

Good night



Lately we try to eat really healthy all day everyday. And it feels really great. I realized last week that I haven't had fast food since early june. I enjoy my slow food just fine. This is of course if chinese delivery counts. And as far as I care... It does. I wait an hour for that chinese food to get delivered!
I enjoy most things slower rather then fast.



It's mid December almost. It rained all day yesterday and it has literally never once done that in all the time I have spent here in San Diego. We just do not get rainy days here. Rainy hours sometimes. a few times a year. but day... no. and its supposed t0 come down pretty good a few more days this week.
Rode to work in the downpour and hitched a ride home from my boss. But once getting there I was stuck on the couch for most of the night. No car, and its pouring. No internet, no television. and alone because vanessa was working. Really lets u get creative with finding fun!
I've spent the last few days trying to figure out in my head what will happen once we make it to Long Island after traveling for three months to get there. Will we have any left over funds? I dont want to work at starbucks when we get there. We just want to get a volunteer spot at one of the few organic farms and spend a little time working but learning. And eating good food! But will we have the money to live without working a real paying job? perhaps not. if not I suppose we will try to find a medium. 3 days working in the latte loving society and 4 diggin dirt? that sounds good to me.

Dont get me wrong, I love servin up the Lattes. I'd be a very happy person if I could do that for a very long time. I'm just over doing it for the man! working in long sleeves because someone somewhere is afraid my arms full of tattoos will afend customers and deface the image they have worked so hard for. The image being a bunch of people dressed as office workers serving coffee. Its just weird. Again, This company i work for has done a whole lot of good for me. I'm not hating compleatly. Im just getting to a point where I realize I wanna be doing some other stuff.

soooo Jan. 4th-9th vanessa and I invade Long Island. Then we come back and hang in SD for about 3 more months. Work hard, Save cash, then split to the open Road. For the big bicycle adventure SD-NY. stay tuned